Yang, Y., Ling, T. (2020), Novel common-path interferometers. Zhejiang University Press.
Zheng, A., Xie, H., He, Y., Wei, S., Ling, T., Zhou, R. (2024). Illumination-Coded Optical Diffraction Tomography. In: Liang, J. (eds) Coded Optical Imaging. Springer.
(* equal contribution)
H. Li, B. Tan, V. P. Pandiyan, V. A. Barathi, R. Sabesan, L. Schmetterer, T. Ling, “Phase-Restoring Subpixel Image Registration: Enhancing Motion Detection Performance in Fourier-domain Optical Coherence Tomography,” on bioRxiv.
B. Tan*, H. Li*, Y. Zhuo, L. Han, R. Mupparapu, D. Nanni, V. A. Barathi, D. Palanker, L. Schmetterer, T. Ling, “Light-evoked deformations in rod photoreceptors, pigment epithelium and subretinal space revealed by prolonged and multilayered optoretinography,” Nature Communications 15, 5156 (2024).
H. Xie, P. Rajendran, T. Ling, X. Dai, L. Xing, M. Pramanik, "Ultrasound-guided needle tracking with deep learning: A novel approach with photoacoustic ground truth," Photoacoustics 34, 100575 (2023).
Z. Liang, C. Li, D. Zuo, L. Zeng, T. Ling, J. Han, J. Wan, "Achieving stable Zn metal anode through novel interface design with multifunctional electrolyte additive," Energy Storage Materials 63, 102980 (2023).
H. Xie, P. Rajendran, M. Zulkifli, T. Ling, M. Pramanik, “Android mobile-platform-based image reconstruction for photoacoustic tomography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 28, 046009 (2023).
D. Veysset, T. Ling, Y. Zhuo, V. P. Pandiyan, R. Sabesan, D. Palanker, “Interferometric imaging of thermal expansion for temperature control in retinal laser therapy,” Biomedical Optics Express 13, 728-743 (2022).
T. W. Huang, T. Kamins, Z. C. Chen, B. Wang, M. Bhuckory, L. Galambos, E. Ho, T. Ling, S. Afshar, A. Shin, V. Zuckerman, J. S. Harris, K. Mathieson, D. Palanker, “Vertical-junction photodiodes for smaller pixels in retinal prostheses,” Journal of Neural Engineering 18, 036015 (2021).
T. Ling*, K. C. Boyle*, D. Palanker, “Reply to Farrell: Experimental evidence is the ultimate judge for model assumptions,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 117, 26574-26575 (2020).
K. C. Boyle, Z. Chen, T. Ling, V. P. Pandiyan, J. Kuchenbecker, R. Sabesan, D. Palanker, “Mechanisms of Light-induced Deformations in Photoreceptors,” Biophysical Journal 119, 1481–1488 (2020).
V. P. Pandiyan, A. Maloney-Bertelli, J. Kuchenbecker, K. C. Boyle, T. Ling, Z. C. Chen, B. H. Park, A. Roorda, D. Palanker and R. Sabesan, “The optoretinogram reveals the primary steps of phototransduction in the living human eye,” Science Advances 6, eabc1124 (2020).
T. Ling*, K. C. Boyle*, V. Zuckerman, T. Flores, C. Ramakrishnan, K. Deisseroth and D. Palanker, “High-speed interferometric imaging reveals dynamics of neuronal deformation during the action potential,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 117, 10278-10285 (2020).
T. Ling, K. C. Boyle, G. Goetz, P. Zhou, Y. Quan, F. S. Alfonso, T. W. Huang and D. Palanker, “Full-field interferometric imaging of propagating action potentials,” Light: Science & Applications 7, 107 (2018).
G. Goetz*, T. Ling*, T. Gupta, S. Kang, J. Wang, P. D. Gregory, B. H. Park, and D. Palanker, “Interferometric mapping of material properties using thermal perturbation,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 115, E2499-E2508 (2018).
R. Zhang, Y. Yang, Z. Liang, J. Jiang, T. Ling, “High-precision calibration method for shear ratio based on the shearing wavefront feature extraction of a phase plate,” Applied Optics 57, 5121-5129 (2018).
T. Ling, J. Jiang, R. Zhang, and Y. Yang, “Quadriwave lateral shearing interferometric microscopy with wideband sensitivity enhancement for quantitative phase imaging in real time,” Scientific Reports 7, 9 (2017).
T. Ling, D. Liu, X. Yue, Y. Yang, Y. Shen, and J. Bai, “Quadriwave lateral shearing interferometer based on a randomly encoded hybrid grating,” Optics Letters 40, 2245-2248 (2015).
T. Ling, Y. Yang, D. Liu, X. Yue, J. Jiang, J. Bai, and Y. Shen, “General measurement of optical system aberrations with a continuously variable lateral shear ratio by a randomly encoded hybrid grating,” Applied Optics 54, 8913-8920 (2015).
X. Yue, Y. Yang, T. Ling, D. Liu, Y. Luo, J. Bai, and Y. Shen, “Design of randomly encoded hybrid grating for wavefront testing by quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry,” Chinese Journal of Lasers 42, 1008006 (2015).
Z. Cheng, D. Liu, Y. Yang, T. Ling, X. Chen, L. Zhang, J. Bai, Y. Shen, L. Miao, and W. Huang, "Practical phase unwrapping of interferometric fringes based on unscented Kalman filter technique," Optics Express 23, 32337-32349 (2015).
T. Ling, Y. Yang, X. Yue, D. Liu, Y. Ma, J. Bai, and K. Wang, “Common-path and compact wavefront diagnosis system based on cross grating lateral shearing interferometer,” Applied Optics 53, 7144-7152 (2014).
T. Ling, D. Liu, Y. Yang, L. Sun, C. Tian, and Y. Shen, “Off-axis cyclic radial shearing interferometer for measurement of centrally blocked transient wavefront,” Optics Letters 38, 2493-2495 (2013).
D. Liu, Y. Yang, Z. Cheng, H. Huang, B. Zhang, T. Ling, and Y. Shen, “Retrieval and analysis of a polarized high-spectral-resolution lidar for profiling aerosol optical properties,” Optics Express 21, 13084-13093 (2013).
C. Tian, Y. Yang, Y. Zhuo, T. Ling, and H. Li, “Polynomial approximation method for tomographic reconstruction of three-dimensional refractive index fields with limited data,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 50, 496-501 (2012).
C. Tian, Y. Yang, T. Wei, T. Ling, and Y. Zhuo, “Demodulation of a single-image interferogram using a Zernike-polynomial-based phase-fitting technique with a differential evolution algorithm,” Optics Letters 36, 2318-2320 (2011).
C. Tian, Y. Yang, Y. Zhuo, T. Wei, and T. Ling, “Tomographic reconstruction of three-dimensional refractive index fields by use of a regularized phase-tracking technique and a polynomial approximation method,” Applied Optics 50, 6495-6504 (2011).